Thanks mate.
Thanks for the additional info. I love this tune, too. Unfortunately
I was not able to find out the author of this version though.
The actual modfile is located here:
http://labs.weltenkonstrukteur.de/popup/GrassVeins/data/ldrunner.modIf someone find out the name of the author I would be happy to
add him to the credits.
Excellent demo Benny
Really cool and great idea to do something like this, the
longer you leave this run the better it looks. This fits in perfectly with the plant life
theme. Great music too. I look at this and somehow I am thinking of the www and
the signal bouncing from server to server looking for some information. Maybe I have
been watching it too long. Oh and btw the deadline is midnight saturday night just
incase you were thinking it was tonight
Thanks rain_storm. Indeed it also somehow looks like a net and this is actually a
nice idea of data visualization - like visualizing a
trace-route of a ping.
About the deadline - yup, you are right. Actually some hours are left - but today
I have no time left to work on this - that's why my personal deadline was yester-
day midnight ;-)